Human Rights Policy
THC abides by relevant labor laws and regulations, protects legitimate rights and interests of employees, and abides by the spirit and basic principles of human rights protection disclosed in International Bill of Human Rights, including the United Nations Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which fully demonstrates the responsibility to respect and protect human rights.
The Human Rights Policy of THC is applicable to itself and its subsidiaries, and the implementing guidelines are as follows:
Comply with all the laws and regulations of the country, prohibit child labor and forced labor, no employment discrimination, create a diverse, open, equal and harassment-free work environment, never allow any violation of human rights.
No employees shall suffer any kind or discrimination on the basis of gender, race, class, age, marital status, language, thought, religion, political party, place of origin, place of birth, appearance, facial features, disability.
Provide effective protection of workers' rights and interests and harmonious worker-employer relationships, implement fair hire, salary and benefit, training, evaluation and promotion opportunity, and provide an effective and appropriate complaint system to avoid harming rights and interests of employees.
Human Resource Policy
Talented employee is the most important assets in THC. Coordinated with outstanding business performance, we provide fair compensation to outstanding team member. THC keeps a reasonable compensation level in our industry. We adhere to the principle of sharing business profit with our staff, which attracts, promotes, cultivates, and motivates talented employee from everywhere.

Recruiting and Positioning
We appropriately estimate our manpower need, and assign right staff to the right position to bring their strengths into full play.

Training and Developing
We provide professional knowledge and skills training for every position according to suitable training schedules.

Compensation and Welfare
According to everyone’s ability and performance, we provide competitive compensation and welfare to bring their strengths into full play.

Work and Life
We provide a good working conditions and environment to attract and keep talent employee. We work together to make a better future.
Talented People That THC Need
Business Philosophy
Work with ideas, plans, creativity, activity, responsibility, and aspiration. Be sure to have the ability to solve problems, the aggressive attitude, and the spirit that doesn’t afraid of hardship.
Working Principles
Intention, care, responsibility. Reassuring morality, assuring ability, selfless loyalty. Awareness of food safety, awareness of high quality, awareness of environmental protection.
Behaving Attitude
Sincere: objective, selfless, easy-going, intensive, pragmatic, and reliable.
Enthusiasm: passionate imagination, open-minded, positive thinking, creative energetic.
Smile: expression of good-will, kindness, and happiness.